Use the ITE Traffic Signal Self-Assessment to help make the case for increased staffing and funding to support traffic signal programs.

From the 2007 National Traffic Signal Operations Report Card Technical Report

Date Posted

National Traffic Signal Report Card: Technical Report 2007

Summary Information

The 2007 Traffic Signal Self-Assessment, a voluntary self-assessment survey, was taken by 417 agencies in the US and Canada in 2006, in order to determine their "report card" grade for traffic signal operations. This report card uses a questionnaire to determine grades for management, individual signal operations, coordinated signal operations, signal timing practices, traffic monitoring and data collection, and maintenance. The self-assessment is one way for agencies to evaluate their existing practices and create a plan to improve their traffic signal operations and management. The 2007 National Traffic Signal Operation Report Card Technical Report synthesizes the results of that survey and provides some case study examples of improvements made by upgrades to signal timing and the benefits received by the travelers in their service areas.

  • Implementation of new technologies (such as video detection, battery back-up system, solar-powered school flashers and radio interconnect);
  • purchase of new equipment;
  • establishment of a regular signal maintenance program; and
  • addition of a new signal technician to the staff.

Jones feels the assessment helped his agency identify areas of deficiency and focus efforts in areas that will result in significant overall system improvements. As a result, they have been able to develop special-event timing plans for events such as fireworks and graduations.