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To Build Credibility and Trust for Accessible Transportation Technologies, Address Needs in Application Interaction and Integration with Mobile Platforms before Deploying with Target Populations.

Address digital service delivery needs to build credibility and trust with the target population. Three emerging problems appeared with the mobile application related to digital service delivery,…
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Prepare in advance for severe weather by staffing enough snow plow operators and ensuring that public information systems will be updated with current weather and road conditions.

Assess needs and communication infrastructure capabilities for the design of an Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS).

This project represented the continuing efforts of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission's to implement and integrate the use of ITS technologies throughout their roadway network. For this Advanced…
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Recognize staffing and communication needs for Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) projects.

Through all phases of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission's ATIS project, from the initial design to deployment, staffing needs and communications issues were important to the success of the project…
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Recognize integration issues in Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) Projects, and follow the systems engineering approach to establish a project's foundation.

A key component of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission's ATIS project was the implementation and integration of a central software system to operate and control the Commission's ITS subsystems.…
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Extend the application of emergency integration best practices to further improve emergency operations.

Invest in research and development for emergency integration.

Integrate weather information into Transportation Management Center (TMC) operations to enhance the ability of operators to manage traffic in a more responsive and effective way during weather events.

Use ITS Standards to achieve interchangeability and interoperability for Dynamic Message Signs.

ITS standards allow systems to talk to one another by supporting information exchange or data sharing. As ITS projects continue to be deployed, transportation agencies are recognizing the value that…
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Be sure to identify and take into account features unique to each state when designing and deploying ITS technology projects across multiple states.

The use of the databases and human interfaces, developed as part of the FOT projects, varied significantly among the participating states. A survey of commercial vehicle inspectors in late 1999 found…
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